Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) President Shashank Manohar has been elected as the new BCCI representative at the International Cricket Council (ICC), till June 2016. The decision was taken at BCCI's 86th annual general meeting (AGM) held at its headquarters in Mumbai.
Shashank Manohar will replace former BCCI president N. Srinivasan who was elected the ICC chairman in June 2014. Former BCCI and ICC president Sharad Pawar has been named the alternative representative in case Mr. Manohar is unable to attend.
“By virtue of being the BCCI president at the ICC, Manohar will take over as chairman of the ICC,’’ said Anurag Thakur, secretary, BCCI. “I never aspired for this,’’ said Mr. Manohar who will be in office till June 2016.
In another important decision taken at its AGM, the BCCI also appointed retired Justice A.P Shah as the ombudsman, who will look into all conflict of interest disputes.