BCCI President-in-exile N Srinivasan is all set to chair a meeting of the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) in Chennai on Monday. The meeting has been kept a hush-hush affair in light of the corruption controversy surrounding Srinivasan and the BCCI. Sources within the board were not even ready to divulge about the venue of the meeting.
However according to reliable sources within the ACC, this meeting is not one where the executive body is summoned.
"This is not an executive body meeting of the ACC. This is a meeting of the finance and marketing wing of the Asian council. Various aspects of sponsorships and investments in tournaments across the Asian region will be discussed. Mr Srinivasan is the chairman of the finance and marketing wing," a source told PTI preferring anonymity. While the Supreme Court diktat has kept Srinivasan away from discharging his functions as the BCCI chief, there has been no specific observations about his role in the ACC or the International Cricket Council (ICC).
Srinivasan is all set to become the Chairman of the ICC`s executive board next month. The meeting will also be attended by ACC`s Chief Executive Officer Syed Ashraful Haque.
The other members who are expected to attend the meeting are acting CEO of Bangaldesh Cricket Board Nizamuddin Chowdhury and finance committee chairman Afzalur Rahaman Sinha. From Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN), Raju Babu Shrestha will be the representative. Nuski Mohammed and Badar Mohammed Khan will be representatives of SLC and PCB respectively. The convenor will be Thusith Perera, the finance manager of the ACC.