Chief selector of senior national cricket team Krishnamachari Srikkanth on Sunday termed India's under-19 World Cup triumph "a very proud moment for all Indians."
Speaking to media here after India lifted the Cup, Srikkkanth heaped lavish praises on captain Unmukt Chand and Smit Patel.
"Skipper Unmukt Chand and Smit Patel played a very crucial partnership. If you take the entire tournament, everybody has done well, people like Aparajith, Unmukt Chand, Smit Patel, Harmeet Singh, Sandeep Sharma and so on and so forth. End of the day it goes to show that teamwork is most important and it goes to show that India has got tremendous talent," he said.
The former Indian skipper added that after the triumph of the senior team last year, the next target has to be the Twenty20 World Cup next month.
"I am very happy India has won the Under-19 World Cup, I think it's a very proud moment for all Indians. India won the senior World Cup last year and this year we won the Under-19 World Cup. God willing, let us hope that we win the Twenty20 World Cup," Srikkanth said.
Meanwhile at Amritsar, family of pacer Kamal Passi danced on the tunes of drums and distributed sweets in the neighbourhood.
"Hats off to Unmukt Chand for his performance today, he has made his country proud and I congratulate the whole team. To my brother, Kamal Passi, he has made the entire city and whole country proud. We are extremely happy and now wait for his return. The celebrations are on and will continue for a very long time," Shika, Kamal's sister, told mediapersons.
In Patiala, Sandeep Sharma's brother organised an afternoon feast for his neighbours and relatives.
"We are feeling very proud that a local boy from our school made it to India's junior team and now has won the World Cup. He performed brilliantly and has made his family, his city and the country proud," Harpal Singh, a family friend of Sharma, said.
Sharma played a vital role in restricting the Aussies to 225 runs by claiming four wickets.
This is India's third under-19 World Cup victory, after Mohammed Kaif and Virat Kohli led India to glory in years 2000 and 2008 respectively.