Nimbus has been awarded a favourable judgement in an ongoing arbitration case, with the BCCI being asked to pay Rs.12 crore. Justice VC Daga has told the Indian Cricket Board that its stand on the OB equipment and technical service case is unsustainable.
The case is one of the three cases levelled by Nimbus against BCCI, since the latter terminated its deal with Nimbus' subsidiary, Neo, in December 2011. One of the cases involves Nimbus seeking compensation of Rs.14 crore from the BCCI "for defaulting on payment on television production." However, the most seriouscharge levelled against the BCCI pertains to termination of the deal, in which Nimbus has claimed Rs 4000 crore as compensation.
Although both the parties involved have refused to comment on the matter, a BCCI source has said that the Board could challenge the decision.