Architect of the beleaguered Indian T20 league, Lalit Modi, came down hard on its chairman Rajeev Shukla as well as the BCCI for the current mess that the cash-rich tournament currently finds itself in following the arrests of Rajasthan Royals players S Sreesanth, Ankeet Chavan and Ajit Chandila on spot-fixing charges on Thursday.
Laying the blame squarely on the current Indian cricket bosses, Modi tweeted: 'Everyone says I created a monster. I created the most successful league in sports history. Monster is not the IPL, but the man running it'.
Raising questions over the efficacy of those at the helm for having been caught napping while bookmakers and players involved made a killing, Modi went on tweet: 'Betting and corruption is global. You will never stop it. But one needs to be vigilant as an administrator. Fault lies with that alone'.
The former chairman of the league alleged that his zero tolerance policy towards match-fixing made him a target of the underworld which resulted in a number of assassination attempts on his life.
Applauding the Delhi police's efforts in pulling the covers off the matter, Modi also expressed fears that the BCCI could attempt to brush the issue under the carpet in which case it could well ring the death knell for the sport of cricket.